The Holidays Are Here!

Christmas, Holiday Cheer, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukkah.

However you prefer to say it is personal and means a lot.

This is the time of year when our focus shifts from everyday tasks and we start planning for the holidays. 

Every holiday, I make sure I take photos. As we get older, I found it is easy to not bother. We already missed photos of my husband’s 83rd Birthday in November and I’m ticked about that. So, I decided that we should not miss any more!

You see, as we get older, every day, month and year that God gives us is the blessing of life and I am so grateful to be together with family another year.

The Holidays are a time to reflect upon our loved ones and how we show appreciation for their place in our lives.  With thanksgiving we express gratitude for our blessings. But what about the rest of the year?

I urge you to develop a spirit of gratefulness even for everyday things.

There are so many people in our lives that we need to acknowledge and say thank you for being my friend or boss or teacher. What I mean is that tangible gifts are not as important as relationships. It is not about what we get but what we give.

For instance, we can tell the cashier that most don’t notice, that she is important to God and has done a great job. Give people the gift of encouragement and praise instead. Also gift God with PRAISE for your blessings and the people He has placed in our lives to share it with you.

©2019 Seven O’clock in the Summer by Marsh Gegerson, acrylic, 8×8″

I have started a new series called Skyscapes over Florida that I captured with my iPhone. Friends have sent me their sunset photos to add to my album as these will be ’fodder’ for my paintings.
Send me some of yours please, including sunrises and awesome cloudscapes. This is thanks in advance. Email your photo as an attachment to